Posted in Faith

Whose World Are You Changing?

Hello RHUL students!  Currently you are revising for your exams and you probably feel that your world is changing from up to down from down to up (especially those of you in your final year), and its all over the place due to your anxiety and fear. Though this season may not be the most exciting season for you I just want you to know that YOU can help to change the world itself with your Christian witness and testimony.

Whilst you’re in this time know that Harvestime Church are praying for your wellbeing and success but also know that you can be used of God to help change the world in your sphere of influence. Your attitude during exam season and the results that follow will speak deeply to those who are closet to you whether they are believers or non-believers (especially non-believers). Let this message from Rev Kola Ewuosho named “Becoming A World Changer” inspire you to bring God’s influence in your life but then extend that to others.

Let the reality of God’s Kingdom impact your life choices then you take that to others. Let it impact the way you study, the way you spend your money, your attitude and everything else!

Email us at for a free MP3 copy of this message.

God bless you

HC Students Team

Becoming a world changing